The ultimate driving machine deserves the ultimate care. You bought your BMW because you believe in high-performance experiences. Just like any piece of equipment designed to be the best, it occasionally requires fine-tuning.
It is critical you get the BMW service needed on a regular basis to ensure it stays in top shape. Failure to regularly maintain it could leave your car on the side of the road instead of on it.
Are you getting quality service from experienced technicians?
After investing so much to have the ultimate driving experience, you should have someone you can trust to maintain it. Some service and repair facilities do not have the experience or tools required to work on BMW's. Don't let just anyone work on your car.
Without the right experience, your car could get the wrong part or fail to receive the maintenance it needs. It could end up costing you thousands of dollars and more time without your car.
You should be able to trust the people working on your BMW.
The technicians at EuroHaus know all about high performance. With backgrounds in NASCAR and manufacturer-training on the finest premium European automotive brands, they have the experience, the know-how, and the care to take care of your BMW. In fact they are certified to perform BMW-specific inspections such as BMW Inspection 1 and Inspection 2.
Whether you drive an ever-popular 2.8 Litre 3 series, the Z4 roadster, or enjoy the luxury performance of an X5, EuroHaus has you covered. The next time you need an oil change, regular maintenance, or some serious work done, trust our experienced technicians to get you back to peak performance.
Trust your BMW to the European Auto Pros.
We will make sure you understand exactly what we are doing with your car and why it is necessary before beginning the work. Contact us today to schedule your next oil change, service, or major work.